How Often Should You REALLY Wash Your Hair?

How Often Should You REALLY Wash Your Hair?

Here’s What Our Experts Have to Say.


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How often should I wash my hair?” We’ve all thought this to ourselves many times, even though shampooing our hair is such a basic step in our hair care routine. For some folks, a rigid routine has made it very hard to find time to rinse and repeat. Some of us have also robotically fallen into the trap of washing our hair almost daily, not pausing to think if we really need to or if it’s healthy for our hair.

The real answer to how often to wash hair depends on each person’s hair type and activity level. Some types of hair patterns require less frequent washing than others, whereas those with more active lifestyles may need to wash their scalps more often. Straying from what’s ideal for our own hair could cause more harm to our precious locks.

Shampooing too often can make your hair dry and lifeless, while the buildup from infrequent rinsing can cause a flaky scalp and bad odor. 

So how often should we wash our hair? As always, the experts at Sacred Grove are here to help you with the answers!

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair

We know, we know. When it’s hot and humid, there’s nothing more blissful than that feeling of freshness and cleanliness after shampooing our hair. This is why so many of us wash our hair every single day! But have you ever stopped to wonder if a daily hair wash is really necessary or even a good idea? Well, you know the old saying: too much of a good thing can actually be really bad! 

Shampooing our hair daily can upset your scalp’s balance of natural oils that help moisturize it and keep it dandruff-free and generally healthy. It even affects the natural barrier of oils that coat your strands, which are also essential to its health, and not just grease!

Washing your hair too often can make the hair dry and brittle and irritate your scalp. The process of raking in shampoo or conditioner around in your hair can damage your hair cuticles. Those with sensitive scalps should be even more careful with the ingredients they choose. 

But what about sweat and grease? For those that sweat more often, either through exercise or through plain ol’ heat, we get the need to shampoo more often. If there’s an overgrowth of bacteria or your hair or scalp gets really smelly, it is natural to reach for shampoo.  

Thankfully, for all you daily rinsers, Sacred Grove’s Gentle Hair Cleanser is the most natural shampoo there is! Made using 8 powerful herbs, this formulation contains no synthetic chemicals, making it ideal for daily use. The reetha in our cleanser acts as a natural surfactant, removing dirt, buildup and excess grease without stripping your hair of any of its natural oils. Shikakai helps maintain your scalp’s pH balance, so that you don’t have to worry about excessive washing doing much damage to your tresses.

In a nutshell, your hair will not become less moisturized if you wash it less often, nor will daily shampooing strip the natural oils from your hair… as long as you use the right cleanser for your hair.

How Many Times A Week To Wash Hair

For those who can afford to go longer between washes, the next thing you may be wondering is in a week how many times to wash hair? Hair experts agree that once to thrice a week is the best rule of thumb.  

Those with frizzy, wavy or curly hair tend to have drier hair and scalps, so they can go even longer between washes: with some experts even recommending between 5-7 days.

If you have coloured or henna-treated hair, you would also benefit by waiting between washes if you would want your style to last longer. Colour fades a bit with each shampoo, so you can extend it by only cleaning it once every three days.

People in these categories as well as those with fine, thin hair should avoid shampoos containing certain ingredients. Dimethicone can build up and weigh your hair down. Sulfates can dry your hair. These chemicals are added to shampoos as foaming agents to form the lather we normally associate with a good shampoo. This is the biggest myth of all! Less lather actually means a more natural product. 

Sacred Grove’s Gentle Hair Cleanser is one of the only lather-free shampoos available in India! As opposed to sulphate-based cleansers, which are extremely harsh and strip your hair of its natural oils and nutrients, our all-natural formulation cleanses and soothes your scalp without any lather but with plenty of natural goodness.

Besides, the pH level of your shampoo also plays a role in how your hair reacts to frequent cleaning. Sacred Grove’s cleanser harnesses the benefits of shikakai, nature’s best way to keep your hair’s pH balance intact.

Hair care between washes

Washing your hair isn’t the only way to keep your hair and scalp healthy and shiny. In between washes, you can do many things to maintain its hygiene and appearance and protect it from damage.

Combing your hair with a natural comb is one such method. It loosens up the dead skin cells and the debris. You can even wet your hair to help better detangle it. Our Detangling Wooden Comb is your best bet for this step.

Massaging your scalp also helps loosen up dirt from your scalp. Try our Silicone Scalp Massager or our wooden Elephant Head Massager for the task. These will help you keep your scalp clean and also provide excellent blood circulation that is essential to hair health.

Lasly, you can also use scalp oils and serums to help nourish and moisturize the scalp and hair. Consider lightly applying our Hair Growth Oil or Nourishing Hair Oil to your scalp and strands, depending on your needs. Wrap up your between-the-washes hair routine with just one drop of our Frizz Control Serum and wash your hair transform from dry to dazzling!

If you follow these tips with our all-natural formulations, you can safely wash your hair every day or ideally, 2 to 3 times a week. Whatever your choice may be, the raw power of nature has your back and your hair